
Pistachio oil

  • Cas No- 90082-81-8
  • INCI.- Pistacia Vera Seed Oil

Pistachio oil is obtained from the shelled nuts of Pistacia vera L.

Pistachios have an anti-inflammatory effect and represent an excellent source of molecules with antioxidant action (in particular beta carotene, lutein, tocopherols) that act by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Pistachio oil is suitable for all skin types and very effective in the treatment of mature, irritated or dry skin.
Pistachio oil supports the impression of making the skin fresh, radiant, smooth and velvety.
Daily creams, CC creams and foundations show a significant improvement in performance when formulated with Pistachio oil.


Aspect pale yellow to greenish oil
Odor characteristic mild
Saponification Value
(mg KOH/g)
189 – 195

• Produced from 100% renewable sources
• Free from additives
• Anti-aging
• Improve skin re-epithelizing
• Suitable for sensitive skin
• Excellent sensory profile.


Fragrances Pharmaceuticals
Natural extracts


  • Skin care
  • Sun care
  • Baby care
  • Toiletries
  • Make up foundation